Smiling wrath, a tearful of infinity, if (review of poetry book by Elo Viiding „Creator of Consciousness“) 05.01.2020 By marin
Translated into the Language of Trauma: Transcultural Memorial Forms in the Estonian Memories of the Soviet Deportations and the Gulag 05.01.2020 By marin
Pain and promise of non-belonging: Andrei Ivanov’s exception in Estonian literature 05.01.2020 By marin
Jaan Kross’s Failed Attempts to become a Soviet Writer. The years of exile 1951–1954 05.01.2020 By marin
Friedebert Tuglas´s Speech on Latvian Writers´ Day at the Riga Latvian Society House on May 31, 1940 04.01.2020 By marin
Non tibi per ventos veneranda Poëtica crescit… Johannes Hörnick and the humanist poetics in the Early Modern Estonia 03.01.2020 By marin