A collection of Paul Reets`writings issued by the Literature Centre

At the beginning of June the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre Press published a collection of writings spanning the life of one of the USA`s most colourful Estonian exile, Paul Reets (1924-2016) entitled The Wretched Soul Will Bear the Blossoms of the Mind*. Jaan Undusk, compiler and editor of the 672 page book has been able to gather all of Reets` significant publications, with the addition of a handful of exciting finds from the collection of Reets` manuscripts.
In addition to Reets` own writings on art, literature and culture, the accompanying texts by Jüri Hain, Janika Kronberg and Jaan Undusk provide an overview of Reets` life, his passions and work, also referring to his family background, his activities during World War II and his studies at the University of Bonn and Harvard University.
Illustrations for the book derive mainly from Reets` own collection of cultural objects, which he donated to the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre: works of art, books, ex libris, photographs, postcards, letters and other documents.