Aira Võsa on Julie Hausmann in Klassikaraadio

Julie Katharina von Hausmann
The senior researcher of the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, Aira Võsa was hosted by Klassikaraadio on 17 March 2024. In the program Tower bell in my village: Ilumäe chapel and Julie Hausmann, Võsa spoke about the life and work of the Baltic German poetess Julie Katharina von Hausmann (1826–1901) and her ties with Estonia. Hausmann is buried at the cemetery of Ilumäe chapel.
Among other things, Võsa unpacked the origin story of Hausmann’s most famous poem and hymn So nimm denn meine Hände (Oh, take me, my God) and introduced a poem created in Võsu: Am Meere (By the sea).
Listen to the show HERE (interview with Aira Võsa from 0:42)