Reading as an activity that sustains intergenerational relations
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The Under and Tuglas Literature Centre belongs to the NGO Association of Estonian Writersʼ Museums, which submitted a joint project entitled ʻReading as an activity that sustains intergenerational relationsʼ

Project goals
- To appeal to a broader forum that the reading of literature is important.
- To increase connections between families through reading and storytelling. Intergenerational connections are effectively supported by sharing reading experiences, storytelling, and reading out loud. Writersʼ museums are excellent sites for developing and promoting such activities, as they have multiple opportunities to use in relation to different age groups and visitors of different sites in the interests of bringing them closer to literature and reading.
- Through such activities, to advertise literary classics and literary heritage in the interests of cultural contiunity.
Outcomes of the project were new, innovative educational programs; reading and storytelling-based activities for families; enhanced skills for marketing the museum (reaching target audiences) and organisational activities.