Celebration of Friedebert Tuglasʼ 135th birthday

On 2 March, the 135th birthday of Friedebert Tuglas, you are all welcome to participate in the celebration!
Exactly at 14 oʼclock, make yourself comfortable in front of the Under and Tuglas Literature Centreʼs or the Estonian Writersʼ Unionʼs Facebook page. To do this you do not have to be a Facebook user; you only have to click HERE or watch the videos later, which you will find below.
- A literary walk with Mart Juur, Andrus Kivirähk and Robin, the dog, in the footsteps of Friedebert Tuglas.
Friedebert Tuglas writes: “The beginning of 1906 in the Toompea prison in Tallinn, where I had been incarcerated for three months by an administrative measure because of my participation in the congress of delegates from North Estonian counties on 11. XII 1905 in the basement of the “Volta” factory. In the beginning of February they vaccinated for smallpox, and my skin reacted. I walked around like a little child with my sore arm!“
Tuglas, “Eluloolisi märkmeid I” (Biographical Notes I), p 12. See also “Mälestused” (Memoirs) and “Noorusmäletused” (Memoirs of Youth).
On Tuglasʼ birthday two writers retrace his steps from the Volta factory to Toompea prison. Tuglas was released just a day before his 20th birthday. The video of the walk is the result of collaboration with the newspaper Õhtuleht. The introduction is based on Taavi Taliveeʼs reworking of the interview with Tuglas on the 50th anniversary of the 1905 revolution (Reporter V. Pant, Under and Tuglas Literature Centre phonotheque).
- 50 years of the Tuglas Short Story Award!
By the time we celebrate Tuglasʼ birthday, both award winners and the title of the winning short stories will have been revealed, but speeches are expected from this yearʼs jury chair Maarja Kangro and a writer who is as yet unknown.
Speeches by Maarja Kangro and award winner Tauno Vahter
- A beautiful travel book was published exactly on time for Tuglasʼ birthday!
Today the Under and Tuglasʼ Literature Centreʼs publishing house released the travel book “A Little Travel Guide on Scandinavia: Around Northern and Central Europe in an Omnibus”. At a time when real travel is well-nigh impossible, this beautiful book is worth discovering, as it provides an opportunity to wander around in Europe with Friedebert Tuglas and Karl Ast Rumor, in the company of a smart and happy travelling party. The 217-page book was compiled by Elle-Mari Talivee and Kri Marie Vaik; design by Tiiu Pirsko, language editor Tiina Hallik.
On Tuglasʼ birthday there will be a virtual book launch, and the possibility of a garden party shimmers on the horizon.
Recording of the book launch
• We invite you to mark Tuglasʼ birhday with participatin in citizen science project and adding information to the joint creative platform of Estonian photographic heritage Ajapaik (Timespace).
As an Ajapaik user you can geotag pictures in order to improve the location based search, rephotograph historic pictures to create then-and-now picture pairs, tag persons on the pictures, add pictures to albums, categorize and comment pictures, transcribe handwritten messages on pictures or on the reverse sides of postcards, add historical imagery to Ajapaik – either by searching and importing from public collections or uploading yourself.
In the video, Vahur Puik, initiator of Ajapaik explains what the platform is and how to add information to it, as well as why it is a particularly good thing that the Literature Centreʼs collections can now be viewed there.
There is no pause intended in the birthday programme for making additions to Ajapaik – that would take even more time – and besides, these activities will continue at least until Tuglasʼ 136th birthday.