Presentation of the article collection “Game and Melancholy” on the 2nd of March 2022

On Friedebert Tuglas’ (1886–1971) birthday, the 2nd of March the presentation of the collection of articles Play and Melancholy takes place.
In the collection of articles Game and Melancholy. Friedebert Tuglas’ novel „Felix Ormusson” (compiled and edited by Mirjam Hinrikus and Jaan Undusk, Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, 2022), a fresh look is offered at Friedebert Tuglas’ 1915 novel Felix Ormusson. The keywords that frame the authors’ approaches to the novel are decadence, myth, irony, upstart, narcissism, pantheism, melancholy, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and others. Jaan Undusk, Katrin Puik, Merlin Kirikal and Lola Annabel Kass will give a talk based on their articles. The panel is chaired by Mirjam Hinrikus. Uku Gross and Tiiu Jürna will perform musical interludes.