Konrad Mägi`s works from the Literature Centre`s collection on exhibit at the Musei Real in Torino

On 29 November the exhibition Konrad Mägi. Northern Light was opened at the Musei Real in Torino, bringing over 50 works by Konrad Mägi to Italian viewers. The works originate in the Estonian Museum of Art (KUMU) and the Tartu art museums, from private collections of Enn Kunila, Peeter Värnik and the Estonian Students` Society, as well as from the collections of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Under and Tuglas Literature Centre.
There are four works on display from the Literature Centre`s collection: Nikolai Triik`s portrait of Konrad Mägi, in the possession of Friedebert Tuglas, a token of the adventures they all shared in Paris as young men, and three of Konrad Mägi`s own drawings:

Nikolai Triik. Konrad Mägi, 1908. Friedebert Tuglase pärandvara. Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, UTKKK13

Konrad Mägi. Lilled ja rohud, . Illustratsioon (UTKK K 291); Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus; UTKKK291

Konrad Mägi. Õitsev taim. Illustratsioon. Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, UTKKK292

Konrad Mägi. Vinjet novellile „Suveöö armastus“. Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, UTKKK293