Marie Under birthday morning on 27 March

On Wednesday 27 March 2019, the 136th anniversary of the birth of Marie Under will be marked by a moment of remembrance at Rahumäe Cemetery and morning coffee at her former home in Nõmme.
Last year, 135 years since Marie Under`s birth, sparked several enchanting commemorative initiatives in Tallinn`s city-space. The Estonian Academy of Sciences Under and Tuglas Literature Centre and the Estonian Writers` Union unveiled a memorial bench in Under`s honour, and the Municipal Government of Central Tallinn opened a memorial plaque in her name. It was a joy to see how many people still cared about Estonian literary history – Marie Under`s birthplace was refurbished by volunteers from the community, the Kassisaba Association and the workday “Let`s Do It!” The placement of the memorial bench was made possible by donations from friends of literature and property owners who wished to honour the poet`s memory. In December, Marie Under`s collection “Little Observations” was published, in which the compiler Õnne Kepp gathered Marie Under`s essays, opinion pieces and overviews published in Estonia and later in exile. Marie Under is recognised as Estonia`s greatest 20th century poet, who has received significant recognition as a translator. However, up till now little has been known about Under`s critical prose, which was initially published in newspapers and magazines and the forewords of books. This book, published at the end of a birthday year, offers new perspectives on Marie Under.
On Wednesday 27 March, we welcome you again to an envigorating morning coffee at Marie Under`s. As has been traditional, we will assemble at the gate of Rahumäe Cemetery (Bus 23, the stop in the direction of the city) at 9:30 AM. From there we will continue to the gravesite of Marie Under`s family to light candles. Subsequently we will welcome visitors in Under`s former home in Nõmme at Väikese Illimari 12, where Jan Kaus and Jürgen Rooste will present a short programme of Marie Under`s poetry and translations. At the same location there will be a presentation of Marie Under`s collection of critical pieces, “Little Observations”, and Rein Veidemann will offer comments on the book. At the presentation the book will be sold at a discount price. Coffee and cake will be served.
This year the Kassisaba Selts also wishes to marks the poet`s birth year on Wednesday evening at 18 o`clock they invite all those interested to Alimanni Street 46 (Koidu 46) for spring cleaning (raking, cleaning the area around the bench and the information plaque). Much will also be said about Marie Under.
Please let us know about your participation in the memorial morning at the e-mail
Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
Estonian Writers’ Union