This series is devoted to critical commentary on well-known as well as unknown key texts of Estonian literature. The publications are based on seminars focusing on a single text, which have been organised since 2002, to date a total of seven: Friedebert Tuglasʼ Maailma lõpus (At the End of the World) (The critically edited translation of a selection of Tuglasʼ short fiction entitled “At the End of the World” was published in the Collegium litterarum series), J. Randvereʼs Ruth, A. H. Tammsaareʼs Ma armastasin sakslast (I Loved a German), Friedebert Tuglasʼ Felix Ormusson, A. H. Tammsaareʼs Juudit, Karl Ristikiviʼs Rooma päevik (The Roman Diary) and Paul-Eerik Rummoʼs Lumevalgus… lumepimedus (Snowlight…Snow Blindness).