Publication of Raimond Kaugver`s letters from the Finnish War of Continuation and Prison Camps in Vorkuta

Kirjad Sigridile. Sõjatandrilt ja vangilaagrist 1944–1949 (Letters to Sigrid. From the Continuation War and the Gulag 1944–1949), compiled by Eneken Laanes, commentary by Krista Mits and Ülle Kurs, source-checking and edited by Ülle Kurs.
The Under and Tuglas Literature Centre has recently published a collection of letters by the Estonian bestselling author of the 1960s and 1970s, Raimond Kaugver. Encompassing over 800 pages, the book contains 270 love letters sent by Kaugver to his future wife Sigrid Kurvis from the Continuation War in 1944 and from the Vorkuta prison camp in 1946–1949.
The presentation of the book will take place on Friday, October 30, in the Writers’ House of Tallinn.