Publication of the third and fourth part of studies on Carl Gustav Jochmann

Through the cooperation of the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre and the Jochmann Society in Heidelberg, the third part has been published of a collection of studies on Carl Gustav Jochmann (1789–1830), one of the most mysterious men of letters to grow out of Estonian Baltic-German stock. The collection of articles, entitled Carl Gustav Jochmann: Ein Kosmopolit aus Pernau (Carl Gustav Jochmann: A Cosmopolite from Pärnu), was compiled and edited by Ulrich Kronauer and Jaan Undusk, and published by Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg.
Another recent publication is the fourth volume in the series of Jochmann studies series, Die Brüder Jochmann aus Pernau: Getrennte baltische Lebenswege (The Jochmann Brothers from Pärnu: Separate Baltic Life-Paths), compiled by Horst Gundlach.
It is an interesting fact that the publisher of the series, Universitätsverlag Winter has been connected with the works of Carl Gustav Jochmann for over 200 years. Christian Friedrich Winter published three of Jochmannʼs works: Betrachtungen über den Protestantismus (Contemplations on Protestanism, 1826), Über die Sprache (On Language, 1828) and Briefe eines Homöopathischgeheilten an die zünftigen Widersacher der Homöopathie (Letters of One who has been healed by homeopathy to experts who deny homeopathy, 1829). From 1998 on, the publishing house has been releasing Jochmannʼs collected works.