Research grant of Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange NAWA for the Senior Researcher Kristi Viiding

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange awarded the Stanisław Ulam research grant to the project „Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (1470–1620): competition and cooperation between Poland and Livonia“ of the senior researcher at the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Kristi Viiding.
One of the aims of the project is to help conduct, for a duration of eight months, the ERC project „From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470–c. 1620)“, led by Dr. Valentina Lepri, Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Kristi Viiding will contribute to the representative international research group with her expertise in Eastern European Renaissance and Early Modern Neo-Latin Literature, Latin epigraphy, paleography, and with her practical knowledge of the relevant source materials, databases, inventories, and catalogues in the archives and libraries of the Baltic States. In June and November of 2021, she will conduct a series of seminars for ERC project participants to train postdoctoral fellows in finding relevant Latin sources, understanding regional linguistic specificities, and the educational and cultural history of the Baltic region. The second aim of her project is to contextualize the written heritage of leading Livonian humanists from the Polish period, especially that of David Hilchen, in the framework of the transcultural knowledge production paradigm.
In the wider sense, the research grant will help to develop the cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
The Ulam Programme invites outstanding foreign researchers from abroad to collaborate with Polish universities and scientific institutions. This year, the 76 beneficiaries have been selected from more than 340 applicants, only 7 in the humanities.
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