The 2021 winners of the Tuglas Short Story Award are Lilli Luuk and Tauno Vahter

In 1971 Friedebert Tuglas established a short story award, which to date is the Estonian literary award with the longest uninterrupted history. Tuglas added a clause to his testament that an award shall be given each year to the two best short stories, bequeathing his authorʼs honoraria for that purpose. The award is announced each year on his birthday, 2 March, and to date exactly 100 Estonian short stories have been given this very prestigious recognition.
Today, on the 135th anniversary of Friedebert Tuglasʼ birth, the short story awards will be given. The winners are Lilli Luuk`s short story ʻKolkhoz Beauty Queenʼ (Looming No 3) and Tauno Vahterʼs short story ʻThe Sky Over Tartuʼ (Looming No 1 and the short story collection “Pikaajaline kokkusaamine” – Long-term Meeting). Congratulations!
The jury consisted of Maarja Kangro (chairman), Heli Allik, P. I. Filimonov, Mart Velsker and Kristi Viiding.
Speeches of the jury chairman, Maarja Kangro, and awardee Tauno Vahter.