Tomorrow you can read stories in Estonian from the late medieval bestseller Gesta Romanorum

The Library of the magazine Looming last book of the year is the story collection Roomlaste teod (Gesta Romanorum – Deeds of the Romans). Under the direction of senior researcher Kristi Viiding and Maria-Kristiina Lotman, five young translators have mediated 50 stories, framed by their supervisorsʼ thorough foreword and afterword.
Compiled by Maria-Kristiina Lotman and Kristi Viiding
Translated from the Latin by Anni Arukask, Marilyn Fridolin, Maria-Kristiina Lotman, Marten Teemant, Tuuli Triin Truusalu, Martin Uudevald, and Kristi Viiding
Published anonymously, the late medieval collection of stories Gesta Romanorum, quickly became very popular. It became a source of inspiration for innumerable writers, preachers, and folk storytellers. Bright and fantasy-laden in both style and content, these stories tell of happenings among the “Romans” and give the reader a multifaceted portrait of the mentality and attitudes of the Middle Ages.